Event name

Charlie and the chocolate factory the musical

Event organiser

Thumbs up theatre company

14 - 19 April

About this Event

Basically Thumbs up theatre are doing first Easter pantomime in Norfolk after are success of our Christmas pantomime jack and the beanstalk we thought a Easter pantomime would be a great idea in Norwich Norfolk and the panto is Goldilocks and the three bears. Join Goldilocks and joey the clown on an adventure to find there new circus act what is three bears but don't let the evil baddie Maisie the evi ringmaster steel our special act and close Mrs Abbie's circus down in merryville as our returning panto land village. With special surprises e.g circus and magic acts, dazzling costumes and amazing singing and 15 plus Easter panto.

Available Tickets
Monday 06:30 PM
2025-04-14 18:30:00
Tuesday 06:30 PM
2025-04-15 18:30:00
Wednesday 06:30 PM
2025-04-16 18:30:00
Thursday 06:30 PM
2025-04-17 18:30:00
Friday 06:30 PM
2025-04-18 18:30:00
Saturday 06:30 PM
2025-04-19 18:30:00
Event Location
The Garage 14 Chapel Field North, Norwich, NR2 1NY