Event name

Alessandra's Dance Academy - Annual Christmas Show 2023

Event organiser

Alessandra's Dance Academy

09 - 10 December

About this Event

Our Annual Christmas Dance show will be held over 2 days - please select the correct date before purchasing your tickets (some children are in both shows, some are only in one - please check with me if you are unsure). We will initially be able to offer 3 TICKETS PER CHILD PER SHOW - any leftover tickets will be available to purchase on a first come first serve basis. Please do not attempt to purchase more than your allocation at this time. Children coming to watch will need a ticket if they require their own seat - any smaller children sitting in your lap will not need a ticket. Seats are not allocated so you may choose any available seat when you enter the theatre. Enjoy the show!

Unlock Event
This event has been password protected by the organiser. Before you can purchase tickets you must enter the event password.
Stage Stubs cannot help you with this password you must obtain it directly from the event organiser.
Event Location
Brockington College Blaby Road Enderby, Leicester, LE19 4AQ