Nombre del evento

Bring It On!

Organizador del evento

Mampara Dance

Saturday 23 March
£14.40 - £16.00

Acerca de este evento

Join us for our Spring performance of Bring It On, featuring some of your favourite routines from the past and new work from guest and company choreographers.  This term we present half of the story, with all the sub plot routines added after the Easter break!

Meet Campbell, our head cheerleader who is made to move schools from Truman to Jackson High, and leave her friends, boyfriend and cheer squad behind.  The cool kids at her new school are definitely not cheerleaders but a hiphop crew, and they are definitely not interested in forming a squad to enter cheerleading nationals.  

Disappointed, Campbell gets a visit from her old friends and finds something very fishy going on back at her old school - but this is part of the summer show...For tonight she just needs to convince her new friends to enter Nationals.  She finally does this by tells them an untruth; that the winners get collage scholarships.

The Jackson crew start rehearsing and the Truman girls start to worry which squad will be better.  But then the Jackson crew find out Campbell lied to them about the scholarship fund and they all fall out and say they won't compete any more.  Harsh things are said, tears are shed, and then everyone hugs it out and forgives each other and the Jackson entry is back on.

So then it's the moment everyone has waited for, Nationals when the two teams will go head to head and the best one will win. Here comes Truman!  Who wins you ask?  Well you'll have to wait for the summer show to see the Jackson routine, so we couldn't possibly tell you the winner before then either!  And that fishy business Campbell spoted earlier - that's all worked out next term too.

But for now, we just focus on being the best friends we can be, at the end of the day, no trophy is more important than being friends.

We can't wait!

Entradas disponibles
Saturday 12:17 AM
2024-03-23 00:17:00
Saturday 05:30 PM
2024-03-23 17:30:00
Ubicación del evento
The London Oratory School Seagrave Road, London, SW6 1RX

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