The JH Academy of Theatre Arts are holding a Gala Dinner Ball to celebrate Youth Musical Theatre throughout Northern Ireland. The evening will be a celebration of performances from Ballywillan Youth Group, Fortwilliam Youth Group, Muchado Stage School, Fusion Theatre Youth Group and the JH Academy of Theatre Arts. We will also be joined by the students from the International College of Musical Theatre (ICMT) Belfast. We will also have performances from the JH Academy Alumni. The evening will be hosted by a world renowned West End and Broadway leading lady who will also be dazzling us with an intimate performance of her own and a unique, memorable performance with all of the students from all of the schools.
Set within the beautiful surroundings of the Waterfront ICC Suites we start the evening with a musical theatre themed drinks reception followed by a 3 course dinner and a night full of the finest entertainment from Northern Ireland's, "stars of the future"..
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