Local storytellers give us their best around a virtual campfire to brighten up the long winter nights - a celebration of stories from many different cultures, live in performance.
Hosted by Katy Cawkwell, Artemis Storytelling, and featuring Amy Adkin, Gill Amos, Micha Colombo, Robin Eastoe, Moniqa Islam, Pip Jones, Elaine Mendoza, Victoria Woodward and Tricia St Clair.
Exeter City of Literature has supported the workshops in preparation for this event and the event is free of charge to attend.
Event will start promptly at 8pm and finish approx. 9.45pm. It will be hosted on Zoom and a link to login to the event will be sent to you 24 hours and 2 hours beforehand (sender: [email protected]). Ticket registration closes at 6pm on 25th Jan - please email [email protected] for a link after this time, although a reply is not guaranteed!
More details, see artemis-storytelling.co.uk/story-blaze
Las entradas para eventos no están disponibles temporalmente. Por favor, contáctanos para más información.
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