“Sister Act” is based on the well-known Whoopi Goldberg film. It tells the gloriously uplifting and entertaining story of would-be night club singer Delores van Cartier who goes into hiding in a convent after witnessing a shooting. What follows is a hilarious romp as Delores tries to turn the nuns into a gospel choir, save the convent from being disbanded and at the same time avoid her witness protection cover being blown. A fabulous feel-good show that is sure to have you dancing in the aisles.
Evening performances: Tuesday 25th – Saturday 29th September at 7:30 pm
Matinee performance: Saturday 29th September at 2:30 pm
Please AVOID leaving SINGLE SEATS as this makes it very hard for other customers to buy their selection.
There are no refunds or exchanges on any tickets purchased.
All tickets: £15
Family tickets (2 adults + 2 children): £55 - available from 07955 064 976