Nome dell'evento

Stagecoach Swansea - RSL Musical Theatre Group Exams

Organizzatore dell'evento

Stagecoach Swansea

24 - 25 March
£23.00 - £66.00

Informazioni su questo evento

Enrol your child/children onto their group exam using this booking system before the entry deadline 31st January - To receive the handy exam booklet; which has a logbook and revision tools in time before term starts , please book as soon as possible. Students will prepare for their exam throughout the whole of the Spring Term starting 12th/13th January - Exams take place during Stagecoach hours - All friends and Family are warmly invited to the exam/performance on 24th and/or 25th March.
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Luogo dell'evento
Trinity of Wales Townhill Road, Swansea, SA2 0UT

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